The BTU Research Electrical Engineering Services & Systems Team (EESS) makes ordering power factor correction equipment quick and easy. Power factor is an essential part of modern electric power systems and is the simplest, most economical means of increasing the capacity of any power system and minimizing energy losses.

To encourage energy conservation, utility companies have begun imposing Power Factor Penalties on small to medium size commercial customers. These penalties have been in place for years for the large industrial electricity consumers and now, in various parts of the country, hospitals, salons and spas, restaurants, convenience stores, and many more small to medium size businesses are beginning to see these Power Factor Penalties on their monthly bills.

As with the larger industrial users, several remedies are available to the smaller commercial consumers. BTU Research provides power factor correction equipment, designed to affordably increase the power factor to a level that will eliminate or significantly reduce power factor penalties.

For smaller customers, this could be as simple as installing a power factor correction device at the incoming circuit breaker panel. These units are readily available, off the shelf and carried by electrical distributors.

For larger commercial customers, BTU Research’s Advanced Reactive Capacitance Technology (ARC-TECH) uses capacitors installed near the loads to provide the most economical and efficient way of eliminating power factor penalties and demand charges. A quick audit of the facility will provide the information needed by our EEES team to increase the power factor at your business and eliminate or significantly reduce costly penalties and demand charges.