Rope Lighting is a versatile lighting product.  However, most people don’t typically need all 100+ feet that comes on a roll for a single area.  So today, we’re going to go step-by-step on how to safely cut your roll of rope light without damaging it and making it work for your specific needs. 

Note: this guide was created with a specific LED rope light and its corresponding parts.  If you use this guide for a similar product or different options, please understand there might be slight differences in the steps and/or images.  Important note, cutting the rope light (by you, me or anybody else), voids any certification the product may have had in it’s pre-modified state.


You’ll need a few tools to cut rope light properly.  So here’s a list of the items/tools you’ll need to follow this guide.  Make sure to use 2 wire parts with 2 wire rope light and 3 wire parts for 3 wire rope light:

  • 120v 2 wire Rope Light Spool (clear or color, the steps are the same)
  • Power Cord (120v)  
  • Power Connector  
  • Rope Light End Cap 
  • utility knife (or equivalent cutting instrument)
  • Wire Cutter or Scissors
  • Cutting Board or Hard, Flat Surface (use something you don’t mind scratching in case you miss)

Locate a workspace that allows enough space to work comfortably and have the rope light stretched out so that the section you are cutting is straight.


Never plug your rope light into a power source while it is coiled on the spool.  This will melt the rope light and render it unrepairable.  At best, it will melt in less than 1 minute; at worst, it will cause a fire!  NEVER EVER, EVER PLUG THE ROPE LIGHT TO A POWER SOURCE WHEN IT IS STILL ON THE SPOOL!

Got it? Good.  Let’s get started with what you came here to do.

Cutting Instructions:

  1. Uncoil the desired length of rope light from the spool.  Measure the appropriate length for your application and locate the closest cut mark.  Most manufacturers of rope light design their product to be cut every 18-36″.  Some 3-wire (chasing) rope light can only be cut every 36″.  Locate the OTW mark as that an estimation on where the cut should be made.

led rope lighting guide

  1. Take your utility knife and make a clean, straight cut through the dotted line printed on the plastic of the rope light.  Make sure to keep the knife/cutting instrument perpendicular to the cutting board.  Try to keep the cut as clean and straight as possible.
  2. Great, now the rope light is cut but that’s not the end of the job!  A cut piece of rope light must have a few more things before it will work: a power cord, power connector, end cap and transformer.  Most manufacturers include an installation kit with your purchase containing these parts.

Installing End Caps and Power Connectors:

  1. Take the power cord and attach it to the rope light power connector.  Make sure to keep the plastic nut on the power cord as it will secure the power connector to the power cord.

  2. Open up the plastic flanges of the power connector and line up the pins of the power connector to the holes in the cut piece of rope light.  Thread the other plastic nut over the end of the rope light (as shown).  Slide the rope light onto the pins, making sure the connection of the pins of the connector and the wire inside the rope light is secure.  Don’t force it as too much force tends to snap the connector, so be careful. Make sure that the rope light is all the way down on the pins. 

  3. Screw the plastic nut down, securing the rope light to the connector.  For outdoor use, you can apply a bit of silicone sealant to create a better seal from the elements (make sure to test the rope light before applying the sealant).
  4. Now on the other side of the rope light, install the end cap to the exposed end of the rope light.  Like with the power connector, if you are using the rope light outside, you can apply some silicone sealant to the inside of the end cap for better protection (again, test the rope light first). 
Now that everything is connected to one another, now we have to get power to the rope light.  If you are using LED rope light, remember that polarity is important so make sure all the sections of the LED rope light are all in the same direction.
Connecting the Rope Light to a Power Source
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